Custom Pricing in WooCommerce
Custom Pricing for WooCommerce

When one price does not fit all situations
So you have a product that you want to sell at a certain price but you have some special customers that you might want to offer that product to at a discounted price.
You might want to discount the price for a number of reasons. They might be:
Regular customers
Customers who buy in large quantities
Customers who support you in other ways
Government departments that won’t require any after-sales support
People who live in the same small town as you do so you want to be neighborly.
Whatever the reason might be, offering special pricing in your WooCommerce store can be done within the WooCommerce settings and I have done it in the past.
However it is a challenge so why fiddle with obscure seeings when, as always, there is a plugin for that?
There is a plugin for that
Customer Specific Pricing Lite for Woocommerce by Wisdmlabs is available in the WordPress Plugin Repository and it allows you to set a unique product price for specific customers or groups of customers.
It comes with CSV import and export functionality that allows you to upload multiple customer-price pairs or you can add or remove special prices for individual customers right on the product edit page.
Flat rate or percentage discounts
You can also set the prices based on a flat rate or a percentage so you can have sales in your online shop and your special customers will still get their discount.
There is also a premium version of the plugin available from the Wisdm Labs website that offers a lot more functionality.
While I haven’t used this particular plugin I have to say that it looks fairly easy to use from the screenshots available on the website and they do have a demo you can play with on their website.
This is definitely one plugin that I’m going to keep in mind because it sure looks as though it will take the pain out of trying to set different prices for different customers.